How much Vista User Account Control annoys me!

Yes, I know, it’s a bit late for me to be going on about problems in Vista since Windows 7 will be publicly available in a matter of months, but I’ve just been reflecting on how annoying it really is.

A couple of days ago, a friend of mine set up a user account for their Vista PC. On my laptop, I am (of course) an administrator and always have UAC off. But on my friends computer I am a standard user, and he has UAC on. Fair do’s – it’s his choice whether he wants it on :).

Anyway, it really starts to bug me after a while. I have to have password confirmation from an admin to delete a bloody desktop shortcut on my own user. What the hell?

It’s simple things like running some programs, updating virus databases, and adjusting user-specific settings. Why can’t I do that without administrator confirmation? It really bugs me.

OK – if it was installing software or deleting Windows files that’s understandable. But the fact that I can’t choose my own desktop shortcuts without administrator approval – I mean, doesn’t that annoy anyone or am I just being silly? Probably the latter.

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