Browser market share outlook: December 2009

Here’s a quick outlook at the browser market share, thanks to HitsLink.

It looks like this month there’s been some interesting changes that may surprise. Internet Explorer has continued to loose out on its usual trend (falling by 0.93%), but Firefox has also lost out! Firefox has only lost out by 0.11% but that has left other browsers to grow. Firefox’s loss is the first of its kind in 6 months which means that maybe people are finally beginning to see the other browsers available.

Google Chrome, Safari and Opera have all gained market share this month, with Chrome gaining the most noticeable increase at 0.70%. Safari has a small but ever-important increase of 0.10%, with Opera gaining just 0.09%.

It goes to show how the variety of browsers is causing the most popular browsers to loose out. I’m very pleased that Google Chrome is getting lots of attention as I still firmly believe its one of the best browsers available as it is lightweight, super quick and easy to use. This months increase now means that Chrome is the 3rd most popular web browser.

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