Tag Archives: im

Best IM client for the Nokia 5230/5800 – Nimbuzz

I’ve always found it really hard to find decent apps for the Nokia 5230. The “Ovi Store” is total rubbish on the device (constantly getting the random error problem) and it’s pretty hard to work around that.

I’ve been looking for a decent IM (instant messaging) client for the device for some time and there’s plenty of choice – eBuddy, Socially, Nokia Messaging IM Beta – but none of them perform very well. Until very late yesterday night, when I came across Nimbuzz.

Nimbuzz is a free client that supports a wide range of phone brands and works as an IM and VoIP client. It supports a wide variety of services including MSN (Windows Live), Yahoo, Facebook, Google Talk and many more. You simply hook up your account details into a Nimbuzz account, log on and off you go.

The interface has really come to my liking – much better than eBuddy’s for touch devices – that’s just unusable. You can also use it in both portrait and landscape modes and best of all, there are no adverts!

An addition to all of that, it also supports VoIP – so you can use either Nimbuzz’s cheap online call rates or you can use SkypeOut (very handy). So if you have a subscription on Skype, as far as I know, you can make use of use of it from Nimbuzz (sadly I haven’t been able to test that yet as currently I don’t get EDGE or 3G where I live – that will soon change).

Overall, it’s a fantastic client. It’s very simple to use and has the best interface I’ve seen yet. You can get it free either from the dreaded “Ovi Store” or by going to nimbuzz.com. If you want to chat on the go with a Nokia 5230 or Nokia 5800 – this is the way to go!