Tag Archives: features

Linx 1010 Review – best Windows 10 tablet on the market right now?

Rating: ★★★★½


  • Massive improvement from a design point-of-view
  • Two USB ports
  • Windows 10 works well


  • Low resolution screen (720p)
  • Office 365 no longer included with Windows 10

Buy now from Amazon – without keyboard 

Buy now from Amazon – with keyboard

Buy now from eBay UK with keyboard

Linx have recently released their follow-up to the great value Linx 10 tablet which ran Windows 8.1, and it’s called the Linx 1010. The new version comes just in time for the new release of Windows 10 and it’s one one of the first tablets to come preloaded with the new software. So what’s new – and how does the new tablet stack up against the old one? Let’s find out!


The Linx 1010 is designed to follow on from the success of the Linx 10. It’s designed to be great value for money while providing ample performance for most day to day tasks – such as browsing the internet, checking email and watching streaming services on the go. But the Linx 10 did this job absolutely fine as I pointed out in my last review, so what’s new – and is it worth upgrading from the previous generation?

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Ubuntu – why didn’t I use it in the first place?

OK I have a bit of an apology to make to a few people, as I told them that I don’t use Ubuntu because it is a pain to get going and isn’t simple to use. Clearly, I realize now that I was talking utter rubbish!

It was only Friday night that I thought I’d try it with my new PC. I could never get it to work on the laptop, so I thought I might stand a fighting chance with the PC. I installed 9.10 from an image I had (which I’d burnt to CD) and what do you know – it worked absolutely perfectly.

You’d be amazed at how quickly I came to like it as well. The Software Centre is fantastic for getting any applications you might need. There’s plenty of applications that cater for music and video playback, MSN, Skype – the lot.

For those of us who are glued to Windows, WINE makes it easy to use Windows applications not yet available to Linux. Programs such as Spotify work really well through WINE which is great.

Drivers aren’t terribly easy to get hold of – which I find the only real issue. Ubuntu will pick up many basic hardware products and install them, but the less common hardware is sometimes quite hard to install.

Nevertheless, I love it. The graphics are awesome (I’ve never seen such a practical, simple GUI) and it works seamlessly.

I’ts not quite enough to wean me off Windows 7, but it will definitely remain as a dualboot on my system!

Microsoft pulls in more features to Windows 7

Microsoft has today mentioned on their MSDN blog a long list of new features (27 to be precise) that will be added into the Release Candidate of Windows 7 when it arrives.

To see what they’ve come up with, click here.

From a quick skim through, I can see they have made a few improvements to the Control Panel –  I like the ‘recently used’ idea as I regularly use the display options when I use different monitors. Also, they’ve added multi-touch zoom support for Windows Explorer which will be great if you have a touchscreen monitor. And apparently, according to the blog, turning off the logoff and shutdown sounds can speed up shutdowns by up to 400ms. In Microsoft’s words, “Every little bit counts”.

In addition, the ‘Safely Remove Hardware’ feature that has been in many older versions of Windows has now been renamed to simply ‘Eject’ and Microsoft have also said they have added support for some firewire cameras which wouldn’t work in Windows 7 Beta.

They have also managed to shrink the page file in Windows 7 RC which means you’ll have a little bit of extra hard drive space to play with. And of course, Microsoft finished by saying they have enhanced the driver support in Windows 7 a little further.

All things to look forward to. You’ll be updated here on GEEK! as soon as any more news arrises.

Windows Media Center for Windows 7 something to look forward to!

Well, according to Gizmodo, Windows Media Center for Windows 7 looks like something to seriously look forward to. Take a look at http://gizmodo.com/5095414/10-really-cool-windows-7-media-center-features/.

Listed there are a number of features that really appeal to me being an avid Windows Media Center user in Windows Vista. Take a look for yourself.

If you are someone who uses on-demand TV and music services as well as streaming live TV from TV tuners, this is going to be fantastic.

Let’s hope the public beta of Windows 7 coming in about a months time will be worth the wait!